Registration Process

​If you are interested in joining SMDC in our year round team groups, please be sure to review the following registration information.  If you have any questions, you can send an email through this page.  New participants are granted one free trial practice prior to the completion of registration.

After you've completed your trial practice, you will complete registration following the steps below. 

Links to all necessary registration items are provided on this page.

Silver Group (4 days/week)- $285/month

Red Group (3 days/week) - $235/month

Future Champions (2 days/week) - $165/month

  1. Contact Us to start the process and schedule trial practice

  2. Sign up for ‘Youth Athlete’ AAU Diving Membership

  3. Print and Complete Registration Packet

  4. Pay $50 registration fee

  5. Download the Team Handbook and review policies

  6. Sign up for “Athlete” USA Diving Membership

New Team Information

New team divers compete Future Champion or Novice in competitions. They move to the Junior Olympic level once they learn enough different dives to fulfill the dive requirements for their age group. Look under the J.O. information tab to see the basic required dives.  Future champion and novice level events have a variety of rules based on the competition. Most competitions include skill dives.

Divers compete in AGE groups. Most competitions use the following novice age brackets: 7U, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14 and older

Priority of meets for Future Champion and Novice divers:

Training is more important than meets as a fc/nov diver. But the meets help divers set goals and receive feedback on their progress. The divers will compete against other divers who are also new to the sport.

Local Invitational meets:  All team divers should plan on attend our local meets. Please mark your calendar in order to plan ahead!

Out of town Invitationals: Future Champ and Novice divers are encouraged to attend the away invitationals but they are not required. The meets help reinforce what the divers are working on in practice. The coaches and divers get valuable feedback. Divers focus more in practice when a meet is approaching and then they work hard after the meets based on meet results. Attending a meet at least every few months will keep divers training at a high level. Competitions are fun.

Parent Viewing Area: We hold insurance for every diver that is on our deck, however we do not hold insurance for you! Therefore parents are required to only view practice from the picnic tables on the opposite side of the pool from the diving boards. At no point may you cross the grass into the diver area. We know you want to support your diver in their pursuit, this is best done by stepping aside and cheering them on. If you would like a meeting with your diver’s coach please schedule by reaching out on TeamReach.